Behind the scenes of an engagement session from a few weeks back.  As photographers we know how to have fun with our “clients”.   I don’t even really like using the word “client”, although it sounds professional, but at the end of almost every session we feel like we have made new friends.  So cheers to all our old and new friends, and cheers to more new friends in the future!!!  

This session was actually fairly cold, so I have to give a shout out to all you peeps who are up for the challenge of doing things even if it feels uncomfortable.  Even in the midst of discomfort we know how to have fun!  No one truly understands the interesting challenges or obstacles we may have, (except for the models and photographers), because at the end of the day the images always show, love, warmth, and joy.  I have to say those three things are my most important things to capture in every session; no matter the hills or mountains we hike up, the cold windy lakes we roam about, or the very hot sandy beaches we walk upon.  As photographers, are greatest moments are to capture those emotions of our “FRIENDS” and to have fun doing it!! ;) 



I just wanted to give a big shout out to a good friend who has helped me with getting my photography business started again.  She is beautiful, smart and one talented photographer.  She was born in Columbia and now lives in  Calgary B.C with her amazing husband.  Angie with “THE JAR PHOTOGRAPHY” is talented and one of the most kindest people I know.  She is so giving of her time, and loves to inspire people with her creative mind.  I am beyond blessed to have her as a friend and inspiration.  

So to you Angie, thank you for sharing your gifting with me! 



To everyone who does not know me, welcome to my site!!! 

I am excited to announce my re-branding of my photography business.  I have done photography for over 7 years, but I took a couple years off to become a mom to our son Eli.  I love every minute of it!

It has been a busy, busy month.  With stylized photo-shoots, fun and amazing engagement sessions, and rebranding my photography business.  But through this crazy awesome busy month, I need to give a shout out to a few important people along the way who have encouraged me and helped me.

To my beautiful and talented friend Angie with “THE JAR PHOTOGRAPHY”, thank you! You have been an inspiration and joy to partner with and work with during these shoots.  

To my amazing sister and friend Danae, who designed my logo, your work is beautiful. 

To my mom who watched my little boy Eli everyday so I could get my business up and running again, thank you. 

To my dear husband who encouraged me to step out into photography again, thank you my love.   

So thank you to everyone!  May this next season be filled with much laughter and joy as I get to capture those moments.  


P.S. Here are a few shots from my very own photo-shoot. ;) 

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